Monday, December 28, 2009

Another Special Christmas

I have four children still living at home.  The oldest is thirteen years old.  He is not the oldest of our adopted children, but he was the first child we adopted.  Because his birthmother abused alcohol and drugs, he will never live on his own.  His only wish this Christmas was for an Xbox so he could play car racing games.  He is fascinated by cars.  Has been since infancy.  We used hot wheels to teach him his colors and how to count.  One of his first words was Papa, but that was quickly followed by Ford, Chevrolet, Toyota and Mercedes Benz.

Unfortunately, I could not afford to buy even a used Xbox this year.  He had prayed with me every night for God to tell Santa to bring him an Xbox.  I had tried to make him understand that God might not give him an Xbox just because he wanted it.  I talked about worshiping God just because he is God and such, but MP was having none of it.  "I pray every night.  Why wouldn't God give me this one thing?"

I prayed for help from God myself.  How was I to explain to MP that there was no Xbox even though he had trusted God for it?  I mean how could I explain it in a way his limited abilities would allow him to understand? 

On Christmas Eve I received a call from Claudia, his special education teacher.  She said the mayor of West Sacramento was giving away his old Xbox and she had convinced him to give it to MP.  She delivered it that afternoon.  On Christmas morning MP was not surprised, except that God had failed to include a new car game for him to play.  He did have two older Xbox car games, but he thought he should have gotten a new one anyway.  In any case he was grateful and happy to be playing the Xbox.  However, the tale does not end there.

That afternoon, a new car game appeared on the front porch wrapped in a pretty ribbon.  It seems the mayor discovered he had another game that MP would like, so he personally dropped it off on Christmas Day, but did not stay to take any credit for it.  For MP it was if God had heard him.

Christopher Cabaldano is the mayor of West Sacramento.  He announced on his Facebook page that he had the Xbox.  Claudia Parks of Riverbank Elementary School contacted him about it.  I sent him a thank you describing MP.  He followed with the car game.  Doesn't sound like God was directly involved does it?  Didn't sound like that to Esther either I expect, yet the Book of Esther is filled with God's machinations even though He is never mentioned and His miracles are not overt.

That is truly the wonder of our great God.  While we desire flaming columns of smoke and parted seas, He is perfectly happy to please us and care for us in a less spectacular fashion.  He provides flower nectar for the bees, insect and seeds for the birds and raimant man cannot immitate for both of them.  This Christmas He provided an Xbox for a young boy who simply trusted Him.  Where that fits in His great plan I do not know.  Esther had no idea that she would be responsible for the freedom of her people and the rebuilding of the temple.  I am sure MP does not realize that he is responsible for the rebulding or strengthening of my faith.  I don't know how it all fits together and I don't need to know. 

What I know is that my God is faithful and His love endures forever.  I don't need great miracles or spectacular events to assure me of His love or His presence in my life.  The fact that He sends a small miracle now and then is pretty spectacular in itself.  It isn't necessary, but it certainly gets my attention.  Today I praise God for being God and thank Him for making me appear a better father.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

He's Baaaack!

If you go to, you will find the last posting I wrote as Bible Mike almost four years ago. A few months after that, I contracted fungal pneumonia. While in the hospital I also contracted MRSA, a staph infection that can be deadly much of the time. In someone like me it seemed a certainty. Two surgeries, ten units of blood and several weeks later, I returned home. Once again I was alive after facing another physical ailment that the doctors claimed would surely kill me. God can be funny that way.

A few months later I "fell asleep". There is no simple way to describe that event. My memory had been failing me for years at that point. Physical control of my body was failing as well. I could no longer understand written words. I couldn't remember from one day to the next what had happened previously. The pain raging throughout my body was greater than I thought i could bear any longer. Then I just "fell asleep."

They tell me I needed help with everything. I couldn't bathe or even feed myself. Most of the time I was completely unaware of my surroundings. any awareness I did have disappeared from my memory immediately. It was not until June of 2008 that I began to be aware again. I "woke up" a little at a time. I began walking about a year ago. I still need my power chair for any distance, but I exercise each day and can walk farther all the time. Obviously i have learned to read and write again as well. I can remember my past now, at least the last twelve months of it anyway. The stories of my end are a bit premature, again. God is so amazing!

I cannot access my old blog so I have begun this one as well as a facebook page and another life journal blog as well. God has His reasons for allowing these things to happen. I will be posting more about such things in the future. For now I can only say to those who used to read my blog, God be praised. I pray for you all still. All of you. I look forward to praising God here again.